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Cities of Russia
Goryatchiy Klyutch
Hotels of Moscow
Nizhny Novgorod
Veliky Novgorod
Veliky Ustug
Arkhangelsk region
Chelyabinsk region
Fishing in Russia
Hunting in Russia
Kaliningrad region
Karelia Republic
Kirov region
Khabarovsk Territory
Komi Rebublic
Kostroma region
Krasnodar region
Krasnoyarsk region
Leningrad region
Lipetsk region
Moscow reågion
Murmansk region
North Ossetia
Northen Ireland
Novgorod region
Penza region
Perm region
Pskov region
Rostov region
Stavropol region
Tver region
Tyumen region
Tula region
Vladimir region
Vologda region
Voronezh region
Yaroslavl region
Reindeer Herders’ Winter Camp
Over the world
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Sri Lanka


Poland lies right in the centre of Europe and can be reached very easily from every part of the continent. A flight from Berlin or Vienna takes just 1 hour, from Paris or Rome 2 hours and from London 2,5 hours. 9 airports in major cities attract more traffic every year, also because of quickly multiplying low-cost connections.

Polish selection of hotels, pensions or SPA's includes thousands of comfortable venues located both in and out of the cities - neighboring the best tourist highlights. Modern hotels of the biggest chains with standards ranging from 1* to 5*, cozy traditional lodges or impressive castles and palaces fitted with the most up-to-date amenities-there is plenty to choose from in Poland...

Since the changes of 1989 Poland is a country in quick development, and that can be easily seen. For instance, mobile phone networks cover 95% of the country and Poland is 8th in Europe when it comes to accessibility to ATM's. No need to worry for other tourist facilities either. Every day new restaurants, cafes or night clubs are being opened and in some places - like Cracow or Lodz - they outnumber noticeably those in other European cities.

A guest in the house is God in the house - says and old Polish saying to which foreign visitors quickly become well-acquainted. Today, this tradition of hospitality is not only a promise of meeting friendly and warm-hearted people. It is also a guarantee of receiving the best quality of service and most caring attention. All for very attractive prices when compared to the rest of Europe.

The Poland of today is a flourishing country, one of the modern European democracies. However, it is only 20 years ago that Poles have begun building their current success and prevailing over their tempestive past. It is only recenly that history has calmed down in Poland, after taking the country through its highest oeaks and darkest valleys. The thrilling fates of Poland a large state in the heart of Europe are still relatively little known in the work) and always turn to be a very fascinating discovery for our visitors.

Heaven of nature In Poland there are nature sites protected by law even since the 15th century..

Perhaps that is why it is in Poland that you will find the most pristine landscapes of Europe, as the Biafowieza Forest or Biebrza Marshlands. 23 National Parks and over 120 Landscape Parks are a true paradise for nature lovers, encompassing almost all possible scenery: alpine mountains, sea coast, woodlands, lakes, rivers, marshes... even deserts! Most important, they all offer fantastic opportunities for seekers of active rest.


The cultural wealth of Poland is a natural consequence of its rich history. A very strong national culture combines here not only with the different local folklores but also with the legacy of national minorities that have been present in Poland for centuries: Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Jews or Germans. Fine arts, on the other hand, have always taken from and given to the heritage of classic European culture, with Frederic Chopin as the main icon, but also more recent artists like Czesfaw Milosz or Krzysztof Kieslowski.

The north-eastern part of Poland is a land of fabulous green nature, fascinating folklore and cities of very special history, as the Polish capital Warsaw or the postindustrial metropolis of todz.

Out of the cities, visitors will find extraordinary areas for active rest, as the incredible lake region of Mazury or the national parks of Biafowieza and Biebrza - world-famous for their exceptional inhabitants: the almost extinct European bison and over 230 different species of migratory birds.


White sand beaches and Gothic castles are typical landmarks of the Polish seaside region of Pomerania.

Its capital, Gdansk, is a 1000 year-old city with moving history, to mention only the outbreak of WW2 or the Solidarity movement. South of Pomerania lies the land of Wielkopolska, cradle of the Polish state and depository of its oldest relics. Poznan, the charming capital of Wielkopolska, is surrounded by numerous historic hotels, once residences of the finest Polish aristocratic families.


The beautiful historic cities of Krakow and Wroctaw are two capitals of southern Poland, respectively of the montane regions of Matopolska and Silesia. The delightful ranges of Sudety and Karpaty form there an incredible variety of landscapes, particularly beloved by hikers, skiers and mountain bikers. The Tatra region neighbouring Krakow is famous for the best ski resorts and original highlander folklore while the environs of Wroctaw boast an impressive collection of old castles and historic SPA's.


Capital of Poland since the late 16th century, Warsaw has been the residence of Royal Courts in times of their greatest lavishness. Hence such architectural pearls as the Palace on the Water in the tazienki Park or the Wilanow Palace, called "little Versailles". In the '20 Warsaw has justly gained fame of a beautiful and chic city - the "Paris of the East", as many claimed. However, the city's tragic fate led to its almost complete destruction during WW2. The impressive afterwar reconstruction gave Warsaw a totally different.

Poland is one of the few countries in Europe which can boast such a variety of landscapes and the existence of large tracks of parkland rich with fauna and flora, preserved in almost their natural state.

Poland’s most valuable natural regions are protected within the boundaries of twenty-three national parks that occupy the total surface area of 300,000 hectares, or one percent of the whole country’s area. Eight of them, the Babiogorski, Bialowieski, Bieszczadzki, Kampinoski, Karkonoski, Poleski, Stowinski, and Tatrzanski National Parks have been registered on UNESCO’s list of World Biosphere Reserves; additionally, the Bialowieski National Park has been included in UNESCO’s list of Cultural World Heritage.

In the national parks the lovers of nature will find everything: from unique, large marshlands to vast expanses of natural forests and shifting seaside dunes. They may also encounter the bison — Europe’s biggest animal. Poland is also a paradise for those who enjoy bird watching as it is home to 80 percent of all European bird species.

Tourist trails and educational paths leading through the parks make getting acquainted with nature much easier. Services offered by professional guides and specialized travel agencies are available to those who wish to practice different forms of nature tourism.

The wonderland of Poland’s nature awaits you.

Battles of the Masurian lakes
Following the traces of Aleksander Fredro
Babiogorski national park
Cracow-Czetochowa Upland
The castle in Przemysl
Events in Warsaw
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