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Novgorod region

Cultural tourism in Russia > Veliky Novgorod

Veliky Novgorod


Novgorod, also known as Veliky Novgorod ("Novgorod the Great"), is one of the oldest Russian cities. The chronicles mention Novgorod for the first time in the year 859. During the Middle Ages Novgorod was an important commercial center and an independent city-state with a democratic rule advanced for Its time, Today Novgorod is a unique open-air museum Its Kremlin, built in the 11th century, is Russia's oldest surviving structure of its kind. Novgorod's 11 th century Cathedral of St. Sofia is the of the earliest stone churches in Russia. A monument commemorating the 1000-year annivesary of the Russian State was built within Novgorod Kremlin in the mid-19th century.

It is no surprise that Veliky Novgorod is called the museum-city of the ancient Russia; no other city in Russia managed to L , -v» preserve such a great number of unique monuments of architecture and monumental paintings.

Veliky Novgorod stands on the river Volkhov. It is known from 859. It was the second important town in Kievan Rus, had the trading relations with Western Europe, Scandinavia, Astrakhan, Constantinople, etc. It forms part of «the Golden Ring of Russia».

It is a pleasure to stroll around the city at any time of year. Its full beauty, however, comes through in spring and in summer, especially in the season of white nights. The city is also marvelous in the fall. Still, in the winter season, particularly when it gets really cold, the city takes on a wonderful, mysterious air: the ancient temples appear to be fairytale structures, surrounded by trees that stand dressed in the delicate lace of frost. Perfect blue sky and bright sun complete the glorious picture.

An introduction to the city usually starts with a look at the walls of the Kremlin (it is also sometimes called Detinets). After that visitors usually go to St. Sophia Square by bus, however, as we have men-tioned, taking a walk there is also great.

From the square you can easily get inside the Kremlin, the heart of Novgorod, which is home to the St. Sophia Cathedral (11'h century), to the Monument to the Millennium of Russia and to many other attractions. Take in the grand view of the Kremlin's walls and towers and of the impressive onion domes of the St. Sophia Cathedral! See the Volkhov River flow! You can get a great view of the river valley from a pedestrian bridge. The river divides Novgorod into two parts; Tor- govaya (Trade) and Sophiyskaya (St. Sophia).

Looking at the Torgovaya side, you will note the architectural ensem-ble of Yaroslav's Courtyard. To the right, in a distance, you will notice the shining dome of the bell tower of St. George Monastery. The palace was built in 1771. Still further to the left, past the Alexander Nevsky Bridge, you can see the theatre dedicated to Fyodor Dostoevsky, the church of Sts.

Veliky Novgorod is serene and inviting. Its population is just over 200 thousand. A traveler will find a good variety of places to stay, from luxury to economy, along with restaurants, cafes and parking garages. Most of the hotels are within a 10 minute drive from the historical center of the city.

Every year one of the Hanseatic cities holds a festival. The member cities present their cultures and traditions: a medieval-style market combines various crafts and different types of cuisine with performances of traditional shows from the participating regions. Veliky Novgorod will host the Hansa Days in the summer of 2009, when the city will celebrate its 1150”' birthday.

There are many interesting places near to contemporary Novgorod. The place called Vitoslavitsy is known for its wooden churches and houses. One can get a little closer to the life of a medieval village. Visitors will be met by a peasant woman wearing a national dress. She will describe in details the peasants’ house, homestead and household goods.

Summer in Novgorod is the time of folklore festivals, peal, different kinds of amusements and fairs. Most of traditional crafts are presented here: birch bark weaving, wood carving and painting, weaving by hand and modeling in clay. One can buy a perfect souvenir for the pleasant memories about this great Russian city.

Novgorod Velikiy is a city with highly developed tourist and business infrastructure. Bu-siness-tourism becomes more and more popular here. It is pro moted with the opportunity to organize conferences and meeting in a friendly atmosphere of the ancient medieval city and use modern-level technologies and service at the same time. Comfortable hotels, restaurants, professional excursions - what ever the city visitors need, they can find here.

St. Sophia Cathedral owns one of the biggest Russian libraries. More than 1 500 manuscript are collected there.

Lord Veliky Novgorod, so the city was titled by the Russian people many centuries ago, is ready for his guests!

Great by its arts

Picturesque scenery and stunning ancient architecture of Veliky Novgorod are real godsends for any artist. The Red Izba Tourism Development Centre together with world acknowledged Novgorod artists from the Russian Union of Artists welcomes guests to get immersed into the magnificent atmosphere of art, creativity and communication and to create their own masterpieces at master-classes and open-air lessons guided by artists. Any material can be chosen, incl. oil, pastel, watercolors, lacquer miniature, golden embroidery. There is no need to have any painting skills just to participate in master-classes. Only b desire to create is essential. Knowledge and experience of a professional artist bring you to the world of colors and images. According to participants, master-classes offer a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life and bring valuable relaxation.

Veliky Novgorod - the birthplace of Russian Geniuses

They say, the eternal music is heard in eternal cities. Ask the people of Rome, Viena, London and they agree that their streets and market squares are most likely filled with sounds by Vivaldi, Strauss, Haendel. Ask Novgorodians what music they associate the history of the city on the hoary Volchov River with. There is no doubts you hear about well-know echoing chants, bell ringing, and the vivid images by Sergey Rachmaninoff, Anton Arensky, Anatoly Lyadov...

The coming year brings a nice surprise for the guests of the city: a new guided tour ‘Veliky Novgorod - the Birthplace of Russian Geniuses’. Meet the Novgorod Land as the Birthplace of great Russian composers.

Intourist in Velikiy Novgorod
Staraya Russa
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