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Norway is a sparsely populated country where most things are well organised and where everything works. This means that trains, buses and ferry timetables are r reliable, that flights depart on schedule, that shops, museums and attractions open л when they are supposed to, and that public information in general is correct and up to date. Norwegians are warm, honest and friendly people who love and respect their country. They look after their homes with care, just as they do the many cabins you find in the inner reaches of valleys and on the remotest of islands.

Norwegians generally make good neighbours, are active in their local communities and have a passion for the countryside and outdoor pursuits. Norwegians like to keep their environment clean and tidy and expect everything to work properly. And although Norwegians might not always see eye to eye on some issues/one thing they do agree on is that Norway is a good place to live! Geography and accessibility Norway is a large country and the world with fjords - deep, wide tances can be great. The drive from bays separated from the sea, formed Lindesnes in the south to the North by glaciers scouring massive valleys Cape covers about 2500 km.

However into the land thousands of years ago. these great distances allow the visitor The train is a reliable and exciting to experience fascinating variations in way to experience Norway. The rail- means that certain restrictions have L 1 been imposed in order to protect the flora and fauna in the area, but you are sincerely welcome to visit the natural splendour of the parks. the landscape. The road network is well developed and the majority of the roads are maintained to a good standard. Bridges over deep fjords and tunnels under towering mountains shorten the journey time, can admire the stunning and unex-pected views of the ever changing landscape. way network links Norway together and from the comfort of a modern carriage you can watch the beautiful network of ferries and catamarans supplement the roads and railways tances in a short time, the domestic airlines can get you anywhere in Norway quickly and easily. Several areas in Norway have been Norwegian history in a nutshell Many associate Norway with the Vikings.

From 1660 to 1814, Norway was in The Middle Ages saw an explosive growth in the population, until the highly contagious bubonic and pneumonic plagues that ravaged Europe decimated the population by two thirds. The importance of herring fishing from hunting and fishing. They are probably already using skis then! The county of Telemark is regarded as the Sondre Nordheim from the village of Morgedal created an interest for the sport in the 1870s and '80s. Following a union with Sweden, Norway became truly independent in 1905. The same year, a Danish prince was crowned King of Norway and took the name Haakon Even though Norway was neutral during World War I, our ships were sunk by German submarines. From 1940 to 1945, Norway was occupied by German troops and joined the Allies in the war against Nazi Norway and at some resorts it is even possible to ski during the summer. Life in the sea, lakes and on land The entire Norwegian coast offers excellent opportunities for fishing. Depending on the season and good fortune, you can catch cod, coalfish and mackerel, but it's also possible to hook sea trout and other more unusual species. off the Norwegian coast, and Norway subsequently became an important oil-producing nation.

Culture and tradition Norway is a young nation with a long history. Over the years, our own customs and traditions have merged with impulses and influences from - abroad. In this context, Norway's long very important. This diversity is expressed through our music, literature and art and can be experienced not only in museums and galleries, but also in the landscape around you. Unique Norwegian architecture varies in style from town to village, and coast to country. If you want to fish in rivers or lakes, you need a fishing licence. You can look forward to spending hours in beautiful natural surroundings -and also, perhaps to freshly caught salmon, trout, char or pike!

Norway has a rich flora and large areas of forest and woodland that provide ideal habitats for animals and birds alike. Bears and wolves roam some isolated forest areas, and the coast is home to a myriad of colourful and lively birds. If you're in the right place at the right time, you can see reindeer, elk and even the reclusive musk ox. Royal family and government Norway is a monarchy, but the political power is vested in the parliament called the Storting. General elections are held every four years and the Storting is led by the president of the Storting and the government is headed by the Prime Minister. The formal head of State is King Harald V The other members of the royal family are Queen Sonja and their two children; Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Martha Louise. Crown Prince Haakon married Crown Princess Mette-Marit in 2001 and in 2002 Princess Martha Louise followed , suit when she married the writer Ari Behn.

Norway is one of the few countries in the world with four totally different seasons. Despite its geographical position far to the north, the Norwegian summer spans several months, providing enjoyable bathing temperatures and a sun that never sets. In the autumn, the countryside is a wash of colour and the air fresh and clear, this time of year the Norwegian countryside becomes nature's larder. And winter never fails. Copious quantities of snow turn Norway into one of the best skiing destinations on the planet. In April, spring arrives with all its freshness as nature once again comes to life and Norwegians fill the parks and streets. When autumn turns to winter in Norway, there is a special atmosphere in the many well-lit homes.

Norwegians put extra wood on their fires and light up dark corners with masses of candles while waiting for the first magical fall of snow. In November, the frozen ground is covered with a soft, white carpet of snow, and Norwegians get out their skis and sledges. With snow-laden fir trees and white tracts criss-crossed with ski trails as far as the eye can see, Norway in winter provides the body and soul with new energy, diversity, fellowship and security. While winter in most parts of Europe is often synonymous with sleet and rain, Norway can offer good snow conditions from November to April! Ski sports started in Morgedal in Telemark and Norwegians still claim to be born with skis on their feet. Marked ski trails are found throughout the country, and many are even floodlit at night. A ski tour in Norway gives you good karma and access to fantastic nature^, whether over bleak mountains or through evergreen forests. There are countless ski resorts offering a broad selection of graded slopes, and most have ski hire facilities. Norway in winter is quite simply a paradise for those who love skiing and snow. But you do not necessarily have to love skiing to enjoy the winter in Norway - there is something for everyone: dog-sledging, sleigh rides, sledging, snow-scooters or kiting are just a few of the activities you г can enjoy in Norway. appreciate the arrival of spring, 1 - they invariably travel to the mountains to enjoy the last of the snow.

Skiing over snow-covered, sun-drenched tracts is one of the most popular activities in the early spring. It's great sunbathing in just your T-shirt with a drink in your hand while the snow slowly melts off the cabin roofs. While some choose to migrate to the mountains, others get out their bicycles and boats. The transition from winter to summer offers surprising combination of activities. What would you say to a canoe trip combined with skiing? Melting snow floods the rivers and turns them into raging torrents - M a thundering experience and a sight to behold! A sure sign of spring is when the whole of Norway meets up on 17 May to celebrate the formal adoption of the Norwegian Constitution in 1814. Despite official ceremonies and sombre speeches, the seventeenth of May is primarily a children's day, with ice-cream, soft drinks, games and balloons.


You cannot obtain wine or spirits from any local supermarket. This is possible only in shops specially set up by the state for this purpose (Vinmon- opolet). Such shops are usually to be found in the larger towns. However, beer can generally be bought in the supermarket.

The age limit for buying wine and beer is 18 years, and 20 years to buy spirits. You will find that nearly all restaurants are licensed.


24-hour cash dispensers are found in strategic locations throughout Norway.

Mere og Romsdal
North Cape Hall
Active winter holidays
Hiking to Valtavaara fell
Canoeing day on river Oulanka
Brakanes Hotel
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