of Baikal > Fishes
Fishes of lake BaikalCommon goljan
Phoxinus phoxinus Widely prevalent in the rivers and lakes of the Baikal Basin, in remote bays
in Baikal. Migrates along the coast of Baikal in the summer. Is a malicious
pest of omul roe and larvae. Has no commercial significance.
- Small oil-fish
- Big oil-fish
It is Baikal endemic. Oil-fish live all over Baikal in the in the thickness
of open waters and up to maximum depths.. It's body is naked, with scales. The
body of a big oil-fish contains about 44% of fat, the small oil-fish - up to
9%. The maturity starts from 3 years. Both are ovoviviparous, give birth to
live larvae, the number of which to 2-3 thousands. This fish is slow-moving.
It does not for stocks. Length - up to 21 cm. Maximum age - 8 years. Ide
Lives in the closed shallows of Baikal, in large bays, at river mouths, etc.
Sexual maturity is reached in the 4th year of life. Prefers silty-sandy surfaces
with well-developed underwater vegetation.
Spawning occurs at the end of spring - beginning of summer. The breeding period
is 10-15 days. Is a commercial fish.
Pike appears in Baikal mainly in the summer in the lake shallows, where is
feeds on sculpins and other small fish. The pike lives year-round in a few regions
(Maloye More, Chivyrkuisky Bay, the Seleginsk shallows, and others). It is widely
prevalent in the rivers and lakes of the Baikal basin. Annual catch of pike
on Baikal fluctuates in the parameters of 1000-1500 dd. Taimen
A fish that is widely prevalent in the rivers of Siberia, the taimen inhabits
chiefly the tributaries of the Baikal basin. Towards autumn, it is conveyed
from small tributaries into Baikal. It is often encountered along the shores
of open Baikal, but closer to river mouths. In the spring the taimen enters
rivers in order to lay eggs.
For the most part it feeds on sculpins. Its commercial significance in Baikal
is not notable. Spawning occurs in fast- flowing rivers in the spring in May
and June. Sexual maturity is reached at an age of 6 years. The number of roe
can be up to 40.000. The weight of a taimen at 5 years of age reaches 1.5 kg.
at 10 years - 10 kg, with a length of I m. Taimen with a weight of up to 60
kg are encountered. Omul
The omul penetrated into Baikal from polar regions in the Quaternary Period
and found a second homeland here. Formed several ecological races, of which
four are described: the Selenginskaya, Severobaikalskaya, Chivyrkuiskaya, and
Posolskaya. Omul feeds on everything, although at early ages feeds on phyto-plankton.
The omul's diet consists of more than 30 species of animals. From the lower
crustaceans, epischura andcyclops make up the omul's main food, from the sideswimmers
- macrohectopus, and also pelagic sculpins. The omul reaches sexual maturity
at an age of 5-7 years, Omul constitutes up to 70% of the overall fish catch.
Amur sazan
The Amur sazan was introduced into the Baikal basin from the Amur. Its introduction
in 1944-1945 into Posolskii Inlet on Baikal can be considered successful. Is
encountered in the coastal zone of Baikal.
Karasi in the Baikal basin constitute the fundamental part of the lake business
(trade). In the summer they are encountered from time to time in the coastal
zone of Baikal.
Two forms of nalim - lake-river and lake - live in Baikal. The nalim is a
cold-water-loving fish, and spends the greater part of its life in waters with
temperatures of 10-12 degrees C. In hot summer days on Baikal the nalim descends to depths of up to 100 m. Sexual
maturity is reached at an age of 3-4 years. For the lake-river nalim, spawning
begins in late autumn and sometimes does not end until March. The nalim spawns
on sandy surfaces at depths from 5-10 cm to l m. After spawning the fish are
conveyed into Baikal. The nalim is a commercial fish.
Baikal sturgeon
Lives chiefly in the mouths of large rivers, in the summer disperses in the
shallows of Baikal. Winters at depths of 20-40 m, early in the spring migrates
to shallower depths, in the summer inhabits depths of 10- 15 m. Gammarids, chironomid
larvae and Baikal sculpins are the sturgeon's main food. Sexual maturity is reached in the 15t-20th year of life. Sturgeon fishing is currently banned. Skulpin Yellowfin
Along the western coast the typical yellowfin is prevalent to Zavorotnyi Cape,
along the east coast - to Chivyrkuisky Bay. Spawning occurs from March until
June at depths of 0.5-3 m on sandy-rocky surfaces. Goes on cpawning by huge
shoal. Since 1942 the yellowfin has been a commercial fish on Baikal.
Long-finned sculpin
The long-finned sculpin is prevalent in all regions of open Baikal. It settles
in the water column at a depth up to 1000 m. Spawning occurs from February through
April at depths greater than 8-10 m. Has no commercial significance. Large-Headed or Baikal sculpin (Batrachocottus baicalensis dyb.)
Prevalent only in Baikal itself - does not enter its tributaries, is not found
in inlets. Inhabits depths from the water shore to 100-120 m, on stony bottoms.
D.N. Taliev considers this species harmful from the economic point of view,
since it destroys more valuable pelagic sculpins and is a food competitor of
the black grayling. Has no commerical significance.