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Manna from Heaven
Adygeya > Manna from Heaven

Manna from Heaven

“Manna from Heaven”, the authentic retreat tour to Mezmay, Lago-Naki plateau with immersion into places of power and unique techniques and activities A journey that is more than a mere trip – it is a new start in your life. Things will never be the same! This journey truly is magical!

You should try out the retreat tour if:

  • You feel the need to recharge your body and soul
  • You are interested in combining relaxation, practice and discovering places with unique energy
  • You are looking for ideas and inspiration for your work, but you can’t seem to find them
  • You lost your way in life, or you’re simply low on energy

You want to meet new people and make new friends In Krasnodar Krai, hidden away out of civilization’s pervasive reach, Mezmay made its residence on the Lago-Naki plateau at the bottom of a valley. This settlement is located in place of an ancient lake that disappeared long ago and left in its wake an unbelievable variety of flora and fauna. For a long time, Mezmay has been sheltered from outsiders by the plateau’s slopes and three untrodden ravines that extend from the valley in three different directions like rays of light. They are the three wonders of nature. Each of the ravines contains its own unique environment, energy and beauty, distinct in every season. Remarkably, it is possible to live through a winter, a summer, a spring and a fall within 24 hours. You will share the retreat with a circle of like-minded individuals who will become a big part of encouraging progress and motivation in you.

This journey will help you:

  • Reduce anxiety, stress, tension and other mental blocks using original techniques.
  • Awaken your intuition, discuss trends and create an image of the future.
  • Renew your goals and ideas, think about your personal plans and strategies and make an important step towards accomplishing your objectives.
  • Reinforce your strength, resilience, creativity and motivation.
  • Get practical experience in the area of eastern rejuvenation techniques and the ability to use them yourself later in life.
  • Get quality rest in a mountainous area, complete with walks, great air and tan.

Day 1

09:00 Meet the participants at the airport and the train station of Krasnodar.

10:00 Ride to the Guamka Ravine in a comfortable minibus.

13:00 Check in at the eco-hotel.

14:00 Lunch.

15:00 The event opening, getting acquainted with the team.

16:00 Practice in places of power: “The Toltek Circle of 22 Energies” will help you make prognoses for your undertakings, predict the necessary course of action, calculate the correct decisions, determine the best days to open a business, marry, purchase a house, choose a partner without error.

19:00 Dinner.

20:00 Further practice. Finding your purpose, mission, talents, abilities, true goals, changing ineffective worldviews.

21:00 Diagnostics by participants’ request. Understand the reasons of and solve your most difficult problems. As a result, discover abilities, raise your self-worth, solve issues such as loneliness or toxic relationships.

22:00 Absolute Know-How, Quantum Transpersonal Qigong will launch the process of rejuvenation, help you neutralize negative emotions, strengthen your psyche, ensure total relaxation.

Author’s method: Feedback loops.

23:00 Rest.

Day 2

09:00 Breakfast.

10:00 The Paradigm Method. Discovering everything that harms and destroys your life: principles, scenarios, beliefs.

11:00 Guamka Ravine. Neutralize, devalue and remove en masse all of the negative beliefs and principles through the original “Shaman Circle” method.

14:00 Lunch.

15:00 Departure to Mezmay. Ascension to the Orlinaya shelf. Fear management techniques. All of your problems will seem insignificant afterwards.

17:00 Venture to the Verkhne-Kurjipskoe ravine, the yew/boxwood grove and the waterfall. Energy charge in the places of power.

18:00 Return to the eco-hotel.

19:00 Dinner.

20:00 “Tonglein”, a unique original technique. Buddhist monk practices. Receiving the energy of the three elements. An attempt to remove any emotional and psychosomatic issues you may have in 1 hour.

21:00 Diagnostics by participants’ request, help with management of business-related aspects, ways to achieve goals, discover new ideas, hidden venues of making money, elevate your financial state and determine the best career opportunities for you.

22:00 Eastern rejuvenation practices. The original Quantum Transpersonal Qigong will help you lose weight, look younger, improve your mood, neutralize body blockages that contribute to Feedback loops.

23:00 Rest.

Day 3

09:00 Breakfast.

10:00 Original trigger words technique. You can actually speak to your subconscious, ask questions, receive precise and correct answers and solve any issue you may have.

11.00. Quintillian’s technique. Universal way to solve unfavorable or desperate situations.

12:00 Lunch.

13:00 Departure to Lago-Naki. Azishskaya cave. “Bows” and “Transitions” techiques, help repairing relationships with relatives and other people, resolving misunderstandings and conflicts.

18.00 Dinner in a cafe located on the Lago-Naki plateau.

19:00 Leaving for the Guamka ravine hotel.

20:30. “Achieving the chosen goals using a timeline”. Quantum physics. A miraculous technique that allows to make wishes come true.

21:30. Help finding a way out of difficult life circumstances using diagnostics, work on chronic and hard-to-cure illnesses, eradicate harmful habits and damaging dependencies on circumstances and people.

Feedback loops.

22:30 Quantum Transpersonal Qigong and the unique original sound localization Pyramid application. Develop your intuition, change your future, events that haven’t happened yet that can be overturned in a favorable way.

Feedback loops.

23:30 Rest.

Day 4

08:30 The original (resource-based) Quantum Transpersonal Qigong will help you accumulate positivity and energy to fuel positive changes in your body for months to come.

09:30 Breakfast.

10:30 Perform the Power Resource techniques to secure your life energy. Work with the chakra system. Feedback loops. Neutralize psychological rollback. Reinforce the results of the retreat tour.

12:30 Lunch.

13:30 Departure for Krasnodar. Completing the retreat tour will help you:

  • Realize your true desires and aspirations
  • Unclog the stream of energy and let it into your life
  • Make important decisions and try out something new and enigmatic
  • Take a break from the routine and make a pilgrimage to the places of power
  • Get in great physical shape and even lose a few kilos
  • Obtain knowledge and experience of how to gain personal strength and control emotions

Why Mezmay?

  • Unparalleled nature
  • Beautiful rivers and powerful waterfalls
  • High-altitude glades, subalpine meadows
  • Abyssal canyons and grottos
  • Observation decks
  • Fabulous boxwood growths and the aroma of flowers
  • Unique energy
  • Extravagant mountain kapishches, millennia-old dolmens
  • Long and twisted cave labyrinths
  • Ancient burial sites from the times of Alexander the Great (over 2100 years).
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